“The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.” – Douglas Wood
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I don’t like skipping from Halloween straight to Christmas because this incredibly powerful day gets overlooked.
Unlike those two holidays that seem to define the fall season, Thanksgiving isn’t commercialized.
It isn’t about what you are going to get.
Instead, it’s about taking a moment (or a day) to acknowledge what you already have.
And if you’re seeking happiness, many studies show that gratitude is one of the surest ways to get there.
Engaging in a regular gratitude practice has health benefits for you and those around you. It lowers stress, supports resilience, fosters positive feelings, and creates stronger connections.
It also doesn’t cost anything other than some time and intention.
Your Marriage Might NOT Have a Tomorrow
"I’ll think about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day." Scarlett O’Hara It’s been a rough week, technology wise. And if you know me, you know that’s not a good thing. I’m a digital immigrant who does okay, as long as all my devices are working properly....
Taking Charge of Intimacy in Your Marriage
"I much prefer people who rock the boat to people who jump out." Orson Welles I’ve started something new this year—First Friday Ask Me Anything. It’s the chance for you to get free coaching about anything marriage related. This month Paul took me up on the...
Getting Support for Your Marriage Is Smart, Not Punishment
The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, and the second best time to plant a tree is now. George W. White My husband and I came home last Saturday to find several cars and a bunch of young people in our street. My husband asked what was going on and one of...
So, I would like to share some things that I am incredibly grateful for.
- My health and the health of my family
- My CrossFit family that helps keep me healthy
- My faithful readers
- My clients who trust me with their deepest feelings and desires
- The 7 other women who are part of my BABs for their unconditional support
- Those who still love me even when I am not being particularly lovable
- My adult children and their partners who willingly spend time with me
- My adorable grandson who interacts with me even though he thinks I’m sketchy
- Having all of my essential needs met
- Having most of my wants met
- Being able to express my opinions without fear of harm
- Being able to experience the world through all five of my senses
- Being vulnerable enough to ask for, and accept help, when I need it
- The kindness of strangers
- The connection with friends
- My VAs who keep my business functioning
- My coach who has never tried to talk me out of working with husbands
- My husband of almost 40 years who has made all of this possible
So now it’s your turn. Reach out and share what you’re most grateful for this year.