by Lesli | Nov 11, 2021 | UNHAPPY MARRIAGE
As a small business owner, I have to think about the state of my business a lot. If I don’t pay attention, it will fail. You might think about your job pretty frequently too. But how much thought do you give to your marriage? Probably a whole lot less than it needs....
by Lesli | Oct 7, 2021 | UNHAPPY MARRIAGE
Do you believe your wife tries to control you? Do you try to control her? This whole idea of one partner “controlling” the other is, quite frankly, a cop out. It is an abdication of your personal responsibility for what your relationship looks like. But the idea of...
by Lesli | Aug 27, 2021 | UNHAPPY MARRIAGE
You want your wife to be happy. You really, really do. And therein lies the difficulty. Her happiness is out of your control. Yes, you can do things that add or detract from her happiness, but the choice to be happy or angry or loving or frustrated is hers alone. You...
by Lesli | Jul 30, 2021 | Relationships, UNHAPPY MARRIAGE
Last weekend was one of mixed emotions for me. I returned to my special place for the first time in almost 25 years to honor my mother’s final request. She died over 18 months ago and wanted her ashes buried at the cabin our family once owned in the Sierra Nevada...