Do This to Transform Your Wife’s Anger

Do This to Transform Your Wife’s Anger

If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase. Epictetus   There’s a philosophy in several forms of martial arts that the path to success is to turn your foe’s energy against them. A similar idea...
Is Your Marriage Really Important to You?

Is Your Marriage Really Important to You?

“New love is the brightest, and long love is the greatest, but revived love is the tenderest thing known on earth.”  Thomas Hardy I’m headed home from a week away with my husband after a 2-day music festival and eight rounds of disc golf in five days. Some...
Are You a Good Candidate for Marriage?

Are You a Good Candidate for Marriage?

“To give somebody your time is the biggest gift you can give.”  Franka Potente can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Lesli Live | Are You Cut Out for Marriage? ( Yes, you may already be married...
Fight for Your Children, Not Over Them

Fight for Your Children, Not Over Them

“Children ought not to be victims of the choices adults make for them” Wade Horn can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Preventing Divorce | Fight for your children not over them ( A few posts...
Marriage Should Be an Invitation, Not a Prison

Marriage Should Be an Invitation, Not a Prison

“Women need men like fish need a bicycle.”  Irina Dunn can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Lesli Live | Marriage is an Invitation, Not a Prison ( The good news—the divorce rate for a...
Your Wife Brought Up Divorce—Now What?

Your Wife Brought Up Divorce—Now What?

“I didn’t exactly want to get divorced. I didn’t exactly not want to…” Cheryl Strayed can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Lesli Live | She Said "Divorce"! Now What? ( You’re having an...