Intimacy Requires Honesty

Intimacy Requires Honesty

“A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future.” Croft M. Pentz A fellow relationship coach posted, “You can’t be intimate unless you can tell the truth.” This resonated with me especially after several comments I received about my own post...
Playing Defense in Your Marriage Won’t Work

Playing Defense in Your Marriage Won’t Work

“Don’t rock the boat. Don’t tip the boat over.” The Hues Corporation When you and your wife are facing a challenging issue do you take it head on or do you hunker down and hope that it just goes away? I was thinking about this during my conversation with Sam. He...
Who Does What in Your Marriage?

Who Does What in Your Marriage?

“The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes.”  Amy Grant My husband and I were talking about an unhappy married couple that were characters on a recent episode of the television show 9-1-1. He was wondering how things got so bad that the...
The #1 Answer for Your Health and Happiness

The #1 Answer for Your Health and Happiness

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King     Good relationships lead to better health and happiness. And if you’re married, that’s the most important relationship you have. So how well is your marriage...