The Impact of Accountability on Your Marriage

The Impact of Accountability on Your Marriage

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” ― C.G. Jung A colleague of my husband’s said to him one day, “You are the master of your intent. The other person is the master of your impact.” He was talking about business, but I believe it applies...
Kindness is Key to a Good Marriage

Kindness is Key to a Good Marriage

““Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.” Charles Glassman First, don’t be a dick.  That was a bumper sticker on a car my husband and I found ourselves behind several years ago. It popped into my head this past weekend as an acquaintance of...
The Paralympics Taught Me This About Marriage

The Paralympics Taught Me This About Marriage

“ A perfect couple shares their failures, mistakes and their success equally and deal with them all as a team.” Richard DeRose   My husband’s company is based in Paris, so I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to spend the last week in that beautiful city....
Marriage Shouldn’t Be a Black Hole

Marriage Shouldn’t Be a Black Hole

“No man is an island.”  John Donne   Do you have people in your life who support you and your marriage? Many wedding ceremonies ask the attending friends and family to promise to support the bride and groom on this new journey. Most everyone agrees.  But do...
Is Your Marriage More Like a “Situationship”?

Is Your Marriage More Like a “Situationship”?

“The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes.” Amy Grant Dr. Susan Albers defines a “situationship” as “a romantic or sexual relationship that hasn’t been formalized.” She goes on to say, “There are elements of friendship and romance, but...
Do You and Your Wife Like Each Other?

Do You and Your Wife Like Each Other?

“Love is friendship that has caught fire. Ann Landers Is being in love with your wife more important than loving her? Do you need one or both for your marriage to thrive? Or is it something else necessary for this to happen? I’ve been thinking about this since I went...