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Intimacy Starts with Conversation
"When I attained a certain advanced intimacy with a man, and I don't just mean sex, I married him." Hedy Lamarr I remember falling in love with my husband. We met at my older sister’s graduation from law school in Colorado. He was her husband’s best...
Can Men and Women Just Get Along?
"Because when some people are invisible, everyone suffers." Gloria Steinem I was reading a blog by Timothy Diehl on the All Pro Dad website and he mentioned a hashtag he saw on his daughter’s social media feed: #killallmen Think about that for a moment....
Are You a Passive Husband?
"A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance." Hunter S. Thompson By a passive husband, I mean you are physically present but mentally elsewhere. And if you are less than an active partner in your...
Are You Frustrated by Your Marriage?
"We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond. "L. Lionel Kendrick If you’re like most people, the answer to this question is yes. At least some of the time. A better question is why you’re...
The #1 Answer for Your Health and Happiness
You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King Good relationships lead to better health and happiness. And if you’re married, that’s the most important relationship you have. So how well is your marriage going? Is...
As a Husband, Should You Get a Bonus or a Pink Slip?
‘If we practice being spectacular long enough, spectacular will become our way of being.’ – Robin Sharma As another year ends, employees are receiving their performance reviews. They are seeing if they’re receiving bonuses and/or...
Are You a Generous Husband?
"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late." — Ralph Waldo Emerson I found two definitions for generous: being liberal in giving or sharing, unselfish willing to give more of something than is usual or...
Counter Holiday Stress in Your Marriage with Fun and Laughter
Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Loreta Laroche The countdown to the holidays and the end of the year is in full force. For many, it means the stress is ramping up as well. Maybe that’s you. Or your wife. The holiday celebrations. The shopping. The...
Give Your Marriage Your Best
"Real giving is when we give to our spouses what's important to them, whether we understand it, like it, agree with it, or not." Michele Weiner-Davis The holidays bring out people’s true personalities. Some take great joy in ensuring that others have a...
Do the Holidays Stress Your Marriage?
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin Old Ben had it wrong. There is another thing that is certain—change. And the holiday season can be a prime source for the kind that can truly be life altering....