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Your Marriage Needs More of This
" Don’t be mean. There’s no need to be mean." Buckaroo Bonzai When I was in high school, the boy’s vice principal wanted to move our graduation from the football field, where it was traditionally held, to a more contained environment. (Hall of Liberty at Forest Lawn...
The Impact on Your Marriage of Needing to be “Right”
"Our addiction to always being right is a great block to the truth." Stephen Levine My father was an engineer to his core. Unfortunately, it contributed to one of his least admirable behaviors—correcting my mother. She would be telling a story and say something like,...
Flexibility is Key to a Happy Marriage
“Change is the only constant in life." Heraclitus There’s a saying that men marry hoping their wives won’t change and women marry hoping their husbands will. There is a bit of truth in both positions. Who each of you are at your core will not change. The rest is up...
The Impact of Accountability on Your Marriage
“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” ― C.G. Jung A colleague of my husband’s said to him one day, “You are the master of your intent. The other person is the master of your impact.” He was talking about business, but I believe it applies...
Kindness is Key to a Good Marriage
"“Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.” Charles Glassman First, don’t be a dick. That was a bumper sticker on a car my husband and I found ourselves behind several years ago. It popped into my head this past weekend as an acquaintance of mine...
Intimacy Requires Honesty
"A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future." Croft M. Pentz A fellow relationship coach posted, “You can’t be intimate unless you can tell the truth.” This resonated with me especially after several comments I received about my own post Playing Defense...
Playing Defense in Your Marriage Won’t Work
“Don’t rock the boat. Don’t tip the boat over." The Hues Corporation When you and your wife are facing a challenging issue do you take it head on or do you hunker down and hope that it just goes away? I was thinking about this during my conversation with Sam. He...
Are You Making Your Marriage Too Hard?
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb Communicating is hard. Not communicating is hard. Staying healthy is hard. Not being healthy is hard. Being financially responsible is hard. Living in debt is hard....
No, Fighting is NOT Good for Your Marriage
“ A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave Meurer I am a BIG fan of Dr. John Gottman. He is the guru when it comes to researching what works and doesn’t work in...
The Paralympics Taught Me This About Marriage
“ A perfect couple shares their failures, mistakes and their success equally and deal with them all as a team." Richard DeRose My husband’s company is based in Paris, so I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to spend the last week in that beautiful city. While the...