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The Beginning of the End of Your Marriage?

The Beginning of the End of Your Marriage?

“Be the change you want to see happen." Arleen Lorrance  January is Divorce Month. It doesn’t mean all or even most divorces happen in January. It means that January is often when the divorce process kicks off. It’s the time of year when family attorneys' phones ring...

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New Year, New Marriage?

New Year, New Marriage?

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." Andy Warhol The relationship result that’s eluding you can be found in the work you’re not willing to do. Please, read that again. I read this on a blog a few weeks ago and it really...

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Your Top 10 Marriage Moments

Your Top 10 Marriage Moments

“ Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." Helen Keller It’s the time of year when many people are reviewing the best and worst moments. You may have seen the lists for Top 10 Movies, Books, or Places to Visit. Maybe you’ve even created your own...

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The Best Gift to Give Your Wife This Year

The Best Gift to Give Your Wife This Year

“Anything in life that we don't accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it. "Shakti Gawain I don’t want to sound hokey, but the best gift you can give to your wife doesn’t come in a box. It’s also not just a once-a-year at the holidays thing....

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Dealing with Rejection from Your Wife

Dealing with Rejection from Your Wife

“We fear rejection, want attention, crave affection, and dream of perfection.” Mac Miller Two separate emails collided for me this week around the topic of physical intimacy. I’m taking it as the universe wanting me to address this important marital topic. Because it...

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Gratitude Leads to Happiness

Gratitude Leads to Happiness

"The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.”  -  Douglas Wood Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I don’t like skipping from Halloween straight to Christmas because this incredibly powerful day gets...

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A Good Marriage Needs Strong Boundaries

A Good Marriage Needs Strong Boundaries

"When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.” – Brene Brown In a recent post, I talked about the need for both compassion and accountability in your marriage. And the path to accountability runs directly through boundaries....

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Compassion in Your Marriage Does Not Replace Accountability

Compassion in Your Marriage Does Not Replace Accountability

"Acknowledgment of torture is not accountability for it." Yousef Munayyer Last week a reader responded to my article that they, “had tried compassion but it made things worse.”  No details were provided but it made me realize that I needed to do a follow-up piece....

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Your Marriage Needs More of This

Your Marriage Needs More of This

" Don’t be mean. There’s no need to be mean." Buckaroo Bonzai When I was in high school, the boy’s vice principal wanted to move our graduation from the football field, where it was traditionally held, to a more contained environment. (Hall of Liberty at Forest Lawn...

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