Do You and Your Wife Like Each Other?

Do You and Your Wife Like Each Other?

“Love is friendship that has caught fire. Ann Landers Is being in love with your wife more important than loving her? Do you need one or both for your marriage to thrive? Or is it something else necessary for this to happen? I’ve been thinking about this since I went...
Do You Lie to Your Wife?

Do You Lie to Your Wife?

“And the truth shall set you free. “John 8:32 There are two kinds of lies. Lies of commission are when you look your wife in the eye and tell her something you know is not true. And lies of omission are when you choose not to tell her something she deserves to...
Making the Time to Do Marriage Right

Making the Time to Do Marriage Right

“Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.” Oscar Wilde The John Wooden quote, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?” popped into my head earlier this week when I was talking to Elliot who just married...