The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

Communicating is hard.

Not communicating is hard.

Staying healthy is hard.

Not being healthy is hard.

Being financially responsible is hard.

Living in debt is hard.

Marriage is hard. Or so people say.

But divorce is hard, too. It’s the second most stressful life event after death.

Life is frequently hard. But you get to choose your hard.

While making your marriage better is something you can choose to do on your own. Divorce is often chosen for you.

And once that path has been chosen, it’s almost impossible to get off.

At a minimum, you will lose half of everything you have acquired. You will lose spending time with your children every day. You may lose your home. Not to mention attorney’s fees and the possibility of alimony or other continuing expenses.

No, Fighting is NOT Good for Your Marriage

No, Fighting is NOT Good for Your Marriage

“ A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave Meurer I am a BIG fan of Dr. John Gottman. He is the guru when it comes to researching what works and doesn’t work in...

The Paralympics Taught Me This About Marriage

The Paralympics Taught Me This About Marriage

“ A perfect couple shares their failures, mistakes and their success equally and deal with them all as a team." Richard DeRose   My husband’s company is based in Paris, so I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to spend the last week in that beautiful city. While the...

Marriage Shouldn’t Be a Black Hole

Marriage Shouldn’t Be a Black Hole

“No man is an island."  John Donne   Do you have people in your life who support you and your marriage? Many wedding ceremonies ask the attending friends and family to promise to support the bride and groom on this new journey. Most everyone agrees.  But do they...

Divorce up ends your life in just about every way imaginable.

But, Lesli, I hear you say. Isn’t marriage just as hard?

In a word, NO. 

Yes, it can be challenging. But anything worthwhile usually is.

The truth is that most people, maybe you, make it harder than it needs to be. That’s because they don’t acquire the skills and tools that make it work.

When you first learned to drive, it probably seemed daunting. But with more practice and skill, it has become easy, almost mindless.

Now marriage should never be mindless, but it can be much easier. If you’re willing to learn how to make it that way.

Both marriage and divorce can be hard. But only one can be made better.

So, which hard will you choose?

You’ve got this. But if you don’t, I’ve got you. Reach out if you’re ready for an easier, better marriage and we’ll talk about how you can make that happen.